Monday, June 06, 2005

i wanna take you for granted...

it's been 12 hours. and how long has it ever taken me to get obsessed with anything? i don't find it necessary to answer that question. So current concerns are possibly freaky ex-girlfriends--hope that doesn't become an issue. As skilled as i am at hiding it, i really don't go for drama, and i really don't go for unnecessary pain on the part of anyone else, let alone myself. i know you can't ever satisfy everyone, but why do you have to cause pain? ok this is getting dangerously close to breaking my only shit rule. so would be bringing up ryan's question to me last night--what's the difference between taking God for granted and taking something less than God for granted?--so i won't. i did some more breaking in of the new shoes today sammy. and i know those pink ones are just turning you into a speed demon. ren, i hope you're maintaining sanity. off to see the wizard--or actually the pistons (not that i knokw much about either)--at snowden with sarah and josh. will no doubt gorge on more disgusting food for the rest of the night; mom's total Whole Foods no-cholesterol diet is being more than made up for. yes. love to you all.


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