Thursday, March 02, 2006

i'm so tired, i haven't slept a wink...

courtesy of Liam:

You Can't Beat the Irish

After digging to a depth of 1000 metres last year, Scottish scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 1000 years, and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network a thousand years ago. Not to be outdone, in the weeks that followed, English scientists dug 2000 metres and headlines in the U.K. Papers read: "English scientists have found traces of 2000 year old optical fibres, and have concluded that our ancestors already had an advanced high-tech digital network a thousand years earlier than the Scots." One week later, the Irish newspapers reported the following: "After digging as deep as 5000 metres, Irish scientists have found absolutely nothing. They have concluded that 5000 years ago, their ancestors were already using wireless technology."


it is so funny to call home. paddy's whining about not wanting to go to baseball practice, sean's banging chords on the piano, mom's trying to do 50 things at amusing. i'm so glad to be the oldest--it's so nice to come home and have all this crazy kid stuff going on all the time--it's gotta be boring to go home to an empty, quiet house all the time. who do you talk to? who do you joke with and draw pictures with and play video games with and build forts with and fight with? when paddy graduates high school, i'll be 29. that's hilarious. i love that. alright.........i really should take a nap. i'm out of it beyond belief. well, not beyond belief but...close. so new york. can't wait. where am i gonna get a sleeping bag? hey sarah, thanks for the jubilee pics, they're fun.




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