Tuesday, July 26, 2005

piece them all together...

so i'm sick yet again. it sucks. but cleveland was good, ryan and i dominated as i knew we would. poor emily. at least she never got confused about what suit was played ("that's a diamond"...oh it will be funny forever). and i guess we're just good luck in general cause we went to an indians game and they won for the first time in a long time (sorry ATL kids, no offense, the Braves are still better). and now i'm sitting here feeling gross and hoping that eventually my computer will get better and i won't have to reboot it 20 times a day to try to get rid of all the adware and crap. so it's 12:43 and i haven't eaten yet today, so i think i'll venture downstairs for some chicken noodle soup and lots of orange juice. ugh. oh well. mind over matter, right? right. oh my gosh, only a month til school. wow. wow.


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